Code of Conduct

Be Cooperative, Be Responsible, Be Caring, Be Honest, Be Respectful of Others, Be Fair, Be a Good Citizen, Use Manners


Toward School Staff: Students are expected to cooperate fully with and to comply with all instructions from any personnel assigned to our school. The staff includes teachers, custodians, cafeteria workers, clerks, security officers, bus drivers, substitute teachers, administrators, and other school support personnel. Students are to address all staff members with respectful words and tone. Students are responsible to all staff at all times while attending school activities or events. The school staff has supervisory responsibilities in all areas of the campus at all times and at school activities/events on other campuses. 

Toward Official Visitors: Official visitors, whether observers, speakers, or entertainers, are considered to be honored guests and will be treated with courtesy and respect. 

Toward Fellow Students: Each student is expected to show respect for the rights and feelings of his/her fellow students and to behave in such a way to draw the respect of others toward himself/herself. Courteous treatment is encouraged. Tolerance of differing beliefs and appearances is essential. Dangerous practices such as pushing, scuffling and “horse-playing” are forbidden.

Students in leadership positions who exhibit any conduct that results in dishonor to a student or this school will not be tolerated. Acts of unacceptable conduct, such as, but not limited to theft, vandalism, disrespect, immorality, or violation of the law will result in the forfeiture of the student’s leadership role.

Students are expected to complete all assignments and participate in all class work. Students will not be permitted to sleep in class or distract from the learning process.